Explict termination

2012-04-05 09:53:49 0 举报
Explict termination
As opposed to implicit termination, explicit termination pattern expects the process to always reach a specific end node. This provides a well-defined successful completion point of a process instance. In terms of usability, the explicit termination pattern mandates a single end event. This is supported by BPMN using a single end event. As opposed to implicit termination, explicit termination pattern expects the process to always reach a specific end node. This provides a well-defined successful completion point of a process instance. In terms of usability, the explicit termination pattern mandates a single end event. This is supported by BPMN using a single end event. In this example, we redraw the same loan flow example with a single end event. The sequence of good credit score and the sequence pertaining to bad credit score both must end at the same end event. This will lead to making diagrams hard to read especially when the diagrams get big.
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